First, check this out.
This is a great debate…one which will probably last forever. I would say that all those who do not believe in evolution should spend at least one year taking zoology, neuroscience, and anthropology courses at a high school level. That *should* do a lot as far as convincing them that we have decended from tiny creepy crawlies that swim. However, this is not my point. The schools in question went so far as to put stickers in their textbooks that proclaim: “It should be warned that evolution is a theory, not a fact.” Personally, I cannot think of a better situation in which to teach children that all ideas in science are theories and not by any means facts. There isn’t a scientific principle that does not rest on some theory that can be debated. Why do we wait until college to teach this to students? It just doesn’t make sense to me. A viable option for this school district would be to put a sticker on all science books that boldly proclaims, “It should be warned that scientific theories are simply theories, not proven facts.”
Oooh, I bet there are some Empiricists hating me for this 😉 (but they shouldn’t)
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