I stand here in a towel, brooding with things to say. There is so much on my mind, but at the same time, so little.
I do my best thinking in the shower. The shower is probably a place of intense thought for many people. It’s not often you’re allowed to be alone, naked, relaxed, and wet, but the world would probably be a much better place if this was not the case. Anyway, this isn’t what’s really on my mind, so let’s get to business.
What is the difference between ubiquity and pervasiveness? This question has been floating, unformed, in my head for the past few days, but now it is time to come out. I turn to my trusty American Heritage Collage dic•tion•ar•y for some definitive answers:
u•biq•ui•ty n. Existence or apparent existence everywhere at the same time; omnipresence.
per•va•sive adj. Having the quality or tendency to pervade or permeate; the pervasive odor of garlic. –per•va•sive•ness n.
I’m not sure if I like that definition of pervasive, it just seems so negative. I guess I see a difference between the two, though I’m not sure if it’s only because one is a noun and the other an adjective. Something which is ubiquitous is present everywhere you look, while a pervasive object is moving throughout a world such that at some point it may become ubiquitous. Maybe I’m just more confused now…
Time to get crackin’. There is just so much to do. I have learned that moving to a new town far from home is an expensive and time-stealing proposition. I have spent more time and money in the last week buying things I already own, but could not fit into a car. On tap today is a car wash, bike, and desk. At some point I think I’ll try to study for the first time in 2 months. It’s going to be hard to get back into the swing of things, but I guess that’s the challenge for everyone. Ok, into Bloomingtown I go…
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