The last few weeks I’ve been doing a lot of CSS writing. While this doesn’t necessarily fall under my job role, on many projects I end up doing it because I’m the “designer”…therefore I am put in charge of implementing style. Whatever. Turns out I kind of like it, so I let it pass, but we need more developers who understand CSS like the back of their hand. We can also use more designers who understand and write CSS as well. If you’re either, send me an email (jevnin at…we’re hiring.
Anyway, what I really came here to say is that the world absolutely, positively needs a tool that is dedicated to CSS testing. I do enough switching between browsers, browser versions, and operating systems to make one sick. In my opinion, this is a giant gaping hole in the process. If our users can’t see our content as we intend, the web-based tools we build will not be useful, if at all usable.
Of course, the browser companies could do their part to follow the standards. Some, for the most part, already do. Others blatantly defy the rules. Nonetheless, since these fellows don’t play well together, we (the builders of the web sites and web apps) are in need of a good testing tool in this area. I’ve Googled for some solutions, but really they all either look crappy or they charge up the wazoo.
There’s obviously a huge need for this tool. Where’s the open source solution?
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