The First Day

The first day on a project is always a long one. No matter how hard one tries, there is always just so much to catch up on and learn in order to feel somewhat comfortable with the topic/software/process.

This morning I was up at 4 AM, out of the house by 5, and in a brand new office on the other side of the state by 8, only to be thrown into a gauntlet of jargon, processes, relationships, and individuals. I’m surprised to find that I really enjoy this situation. I get really excited when I look at what people have been working on, and I revel in the act of playing catch up. Sure, it’s pretty stressful since the clients and my peers expect me to catch up quick and deliver in a very short time period, but there’s something nice about delivering quickly and getting out, at least to me.

Of course, in a few weeks I should check in to see if I’m still happy with the fast pace. For now, I’ll just keep trying to catch up…

One response

  1. Good luck dude! Make me proud 🙂

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