Pain in the arms

This afternoon I started up my vaccinations for my trip to India. I got shots for Hepatitis A, Polio, and Typhoid. Yum. My arms are throbbing.

Starting next week I’ll be getting shots for Japanese Encephalitis (sounds fun, no?) and Rabies (we still have to worry about that?). Hopefully the future shots will not make my arms feel so heavy. We’ll see.

2 responses

  1. suzanna Avatar

    I know a rabid dog.

    I hope your vaccinations work.

    I lied about the dog.

  2. I am pretty ure polio was cured by Dr. Jonas Salk in the 1950’s. You really dont have to worry about that or rabies (I cant believe you got a shot for rabies). What you do have to worry about is malaria. That stuff is horrible.

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