Where on earth do I live?

My “official” address situation has become quite confusing. Whenever I have to fill out a form online, or give someone my address for one reason or another, it always causes little alarm bells to go off in my head. They scream, “JOSH! YOU DON’T HAVE AN ADDRESS! WHAT WILL YOU SAY!?” Here’s why:

I’m originally from California, right? Ok, so my home address is in Chino Hills, CA…where my mom currently resides. So let’s record this:

Address 1: Chino Hills, CA 91709

The confusion begins when one realizes that for the past 2 years I’ve been a student in Indiana. I guess it’s not so confusing, until I explain that in Bloomington I had 2 addresses. The first was my home address:

Address 2: Bloomington, IN 47403

This address worked for a little while, until I realized that my apartment complex had trouble receiving packages (and even regular mail sometimes). Easy fix: use my work address.

Address 3: Bloomington, IN 47408

The work address was suitable for the rest of my stay, so I used that for all mail that I would receive in Bloomington. Here comes the next bit of confusion: last summer I worked in San Diego, making a need for yet another address:

Address 4: San Diego, CA 92122

Recently I was contacted by a doctor I visited while in SD for the summer who said he had been mailing me a bill to my SD address. I definitely was not receiving it in Bloomington, then. So, out of nowhere, this old address popped back in to my life. I paid the bill, so hopefully it’s out now.

This brings us to the present. Currently, I’m squatting in Karen’s apartment in Chicago. The problem here is that I am not reliably receiving mail unless it has Karen’s name on it…otherwise it doesn’t get delivered. Either way, it’s another address:

Address 5: Chicago, IL 60615 (c/o Karen)

I submit these 5 addresses as a form of proof that, in fact, I live a nomadic lifestyle. I put my bags on my back every few years or months…and head out to a brand new place. I like it, but the standard of living in the US that depends on Postal addresses does not. I’ll try to make due with what I’ve got, but for the time being, my mom may be forwarding a lot of mail…

4 responses

  1. YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!!! hahaha that sums up how I feel right now, Do I use my parent’s address (mind you they jsut moved and I have never lived in that house), or do I use the old Bloomington one which is currently being forwarded to my brother’s address… speaking of his address I have been using that to sign up for banks etc. But now that I rented a place do I use that address even though I don’t move in till the 16th…. Such a confusing situation…

  2. imagine what people did before computers and internet and e-mail. it’s crazy.

    ps i just sent a postcard to each of your 5 addresses. i hope you get one.

  3. And so where do I forward the mail to????

  4. :)) sending a postcard to all 5 addresses is fun idea:) we will count how many you will receive:) i usually use my los angeles apartment address when i need to fill up some form. however i can’t settle down and i move almost every two years.

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