Wow, Planet Informatics is quite active these days. Way to go, y’all. Let’s see how long this one can last at the top of the stack…
For the last week and a half or so, I’ve been writing my Capstone paper, the paper that is meant to sum up a year worth of work in a way that would be acceptable at an academic conference. Now, I’m not totally sure why it has to be conference acceptable, but that’s beside the point. I’ve been completely uninspired in my writing, and so for the moment, at least, I’ve given up.
Keep in mind, the only thing that stands between me and the official completion of my Master’s degree is this paper. 5-10 pages should be no problem. I’ve done it a million times, and this time I actually know what I’m talking about. So why can’t I just write the damn paper? Great question.
I’ve tried a lot of my old writing tricks:
- Write constantly throughout the course of the project, this will help summarize things in the end
- Organize all the materials that will need to be referenced
- Make a semi-detailed outline
- Don’t write it all in a sitting, set aside “chunks” of time to fill in bits and pieces
- Don’t worry too much about editing until the end
I remember when I was a little kid my dad would edit my papers, and every once in a while he would call me over while he was reading it and say, “Josh, what’s on your mind? It looks like you’re not so focused on this essay…” Generally he’d be right. I’d go back and make major revisions, and the paper would be better for it.
Right now I know my mind is on other issues: Moving, Employment, “New” life, my first real break in a long time, summer trips.
I’ll get to my paper in the next few days, I know. I just need to find a way to focus my attention on it…
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