Game Time

As I drove in to school today, I thought about the fact that this is a quite important week for me. Of course, with perfect timing, one of my all-time favorite songs began to play. I think the deep-down message symbolizes my week quite well:

So you wanna be a rock ‘n roll star, well listen now to what I say:

Just get an electric guitar, take some time, and learn how to play…

If it were only so easy…

Have a listen:


4 responses

  1.  Avatar

    I love rediscovering my favorite band…wanna go to Pennsylvania in July??

  2. that’s a slick media player.

    what version of mr. jones is that? I don’t think I’ve heard it before.

  3. That version of the song is from the The Across a Wire double album. It’s on the VH1 CD of that collection… 🙂

  4. Sure, i’ll see counting crows…but who are you?

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