Stop putting it off

So I’ve been seriously slacking on blog updates lately. Sorry about that. Thoughts to blog have been building up in my head for a while now, which causes me to become more and more anxious when it comes to updating the blog. This happens to others, right? You let something build up for so long that when you finally get around to doing it you are scared to do so just because of all the catching up you’ll have to do. Well, it’s time for me to face the music…time for some catching up.

Speaking of catching up, I just spoke with the Ice-Man himself. Good friend, always an easy one to catch up with.

In the background is the new Gavin DeGraw album, Chariot. I bought it at the recommendation of Zach Braff, the director of Garden State and Gavin DeGraw’s latest music video. It’s pretty high quality so far. I’m quite impressed with Zach Braff…he just seems to be on fire these days when it comes to relating to 20-somethings.

Anyway, let’s talk about what’s been going on lately.

The Roadtrip

Once again, I took a trip across the country in the aging (in a good way) Santa Fe. This time my cross-country accomplice was K, as in Karen. We had a fun trip…here’s a quick synopsis:

Arizona was a fun state…we saw Flagstaff, Meteor Crater, and Petrified Forest National Park. Over the next few days we went through New Mexico (brief stop in Albuquerque), the Texas panhandle (another brief stop in Amarillo), and Oklahoma, where we had a nice stop in Tulsa. Next time you’re in Tulsa, look out…it’s really easy to get lost there, especially in the downtown area. Next we headed to St. Louis to see the Gateway Arch. I think Missouri is the most beautiful state to drive through. Rolling, tree-lined hills abound. It’s gorgeous…plus the fact that there are adult video stores every few miles is fun. Stop for a good sandwich in Lebanon, MO…tell ’em Josh sent you. The trip ended in Chicago, where K is going to school. We hung out in the city and took a couple trips to Ikea (damn those poorly marked boxen).

Surprise Ending

Fairly standard roadtrip, right? Well, I wouldn’t be so sure. By the end of the trip, K & I had decided to get back together. So that’s my news. 🙂 I’m happy and really excited about the future. It’s like a second chance at happiness, and at an oh so perfect time. It’s weird how the world works…like my dad told me as I moved to grad school, “You never know where you’ll end up…anything could happen.” For some reason, though, things generally tend to make sense. Ok, enough of the oooey goooeyness…


This week was orientation at the School of Informatics. It’s been good seeing old friends, and meeting new ones too. Wednesday Erik, Will, & I threw a welcome back party. We had a huge turnout. The apartment was packed. I think everyone had a good time, and the food was fantastic. Shout-outs go to Erik, Apurva, & Elan on that.

I’m a little hesitant about school at this point…it’s been a long time since I’ve felt really really really busy, and I think a bunch of business is going to overtake my life starting Monday. We’ll see if I’m up for the challenge in a week or so.

Ok, I’m pooped. My body is getting sick…hopefully it won’t last long (the sickness, not the body). Enjoy the Flickr Pix. Peace outside.

One response

  1. Zach Braff is cool. I saw garden state and it was cool. I remembered the author of Notta Blog today. It was during the day when it became so hot… that I reached for my sunblock.
    Did you see any moosen on the way?

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