What a great weekend!

This was a fantastic weekend. Nothing about it was extremely extreme, but overall it was just a Zenful experience…if you know what I mean. Yesterday I wrote most of a paper and then watched 1984…which is a pretty strange movie. I’ve tried to read the book damn near a million times, but never get past page 50, the make-it-or-break-it page in most books. The movie had some gratuitous nudity scenes, which I found relatively disturbing. Showing naked women in your movie will not improve the quality of the flick, if you ask me. Maybe it was to prove a point or something about the woman expressing herself in a world that holds her and all others down…but still, she could have worn neon.

Today was a really productive day. I got a lot of stuff that I’ve been needing to do done or started or thought about. My ToDo list just sort of filled itself out and things just got done. I can’t remember the last time that happened. It seems that I’m too busy at meetings and class and doing inconsequential work to get anything substantial done. The building was empty for most of the day today, so I got a chance to get some deep thinking done.

The next few days are going to be a mess. My schedule is chock full o’ goodness tomorrow…then my wisdom teeth will be removed on Thursday. I’ll give a full report on the week later. For now it’s bedtime…

One response

  1. josh, dont you know your 70’s sci fi? gratuitous female nudity is a MUST. zardoz, westworld, logan’s run…the list goes on.

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