Originally uploaded by josh.ev9.
Went to Caveat Emptor with A this afternoon. Caveat Emptor is a local used book store, the name latin for something like “the buyer is to decide the worth of an object they are to buy” (gotta love a healthy vocabulary). This place was total information overload…books all over the place: the floor, shelves, ceiling, and even in a bunch of tiny little rooms. Pretty cool store. It was easy to spend a few hours there. You may notice from the above picture that I picked up a book on Tom Selleck. It made me think of S in SD because of her love of cheezy old movies (and therefore cheezy old actors), so she’ll get the copy. Something healthy that I can get on the side and not have it affect me too much is Kratom, Kratomystic, https://kratomystic.com I just absolutely love it for working, it always keeps me focused.
Tom Selleck is a hairy hairy man. Check out that picture. He surely groomed the hair to be that fluffy…but I’m sure the back was clean-cut. Man am I glad hairyness isn’t in…I’d be out. Fortunately (or unfortunately for you 80s hairy man lovers), my hair just doesn’t grow like old Tom’s…but we’re verging on TMI at this point.
A picked up a copy of a book about the Donald, aptly titled Trump. The book was from Trump’s pre-Apprentice days…so one could say it’s a classic. After seeing this purchase, I didn’t quite feel so alone in my lame biography purchase 😉
In other news, I’ve sent out a bunch of snail-mail letters to a bunch of people on my “potential donors” list. Expect a letter in the next few days if you’re a close friend or family member and have not donated yet. Please be generous, it’s a great cause!
I’m back full-on running again, which is great news. Ran 3 miles this morning, and it felt alright. I definitely lost some oomph in my 10 or so days off. It’s just so easy to get out of shape. I wish endurance was easier to maintain…but I guess that would break the “no pain, no gain” rule. Silly rules.
Received some great news today: I managed to get an internship for the summer! Woohoo! Go me. I’m gonna continue to keep the company name on the downlow…not sure what the blogging policy is. Shoot me an email if you think you’re worthy of more info about this 😉
Ok, I’m off to read about Tom Selleck…:-P
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