It’s been too long since I’ve written a good blog entry. Sorry about that. Now it’s too late for me to promise a good one for this evening, but I’ll write a little bit anyway.
Party at our house tomorrow. We’re celebrating E’s GF, N, being in town. That was far too many abbreviations/acronyms for my liking. “Make Your Own Pizza Night,” take 2. It was awesome the first time…great food, great fun. This time Ja, K, and I are going to try to create a Cuban Black Bean Pizza, just like at Avers. Mmmm…it’s just so good. Who’da thunk that pesto sauce and black beans would be such an awesome combination for a pizza. Not me. It’s delicious. If you’re in Bloomington, you’re invited (you’re invited if you’re not in B-Town as well, but it will likely be more difficult for you to get here).
Saw a great thing today. Saw a professor who was worried that his class isn’t going as planned. Saw a professor admit to his mistakes. Saw a professor point out that it was also the fault of the students. Saw myself inspired to do great(er) work. Wish I saw more professors that are forward thinking like this. Many teachers/researchers in HCI/Informatics/Related Fields really think they are forward thinkers. Listen, just because you’re in this field doesn’t make you a forward thinker. In order to claim that title you must be proactively not living in the past. That cannot be said for all in this field. That is all I have to say about that.
Tired, if you couldn’t tell. Piece.
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