Background and Foreground

It’s all about background and foreground. Attention is the key to everything we sense. There are so many sensations our body receives in a given instant that it would be wholly impossible to perceive them all at once. Right now you’re looking at the computer screen, but the foreground is the word you’re looking at, while the background is everything else: the rest of the computer screen, all that you see in the periphery, any sounds in the background, the feel of the mouse on your hand, and the weight of your clothes on each inch of skin.

There is at least one sensation that occurs nearly endlessly throughout the day, and you probably have never even noticed it…I bet your tongue is resting against the roof of your mouth right now. Never noticed that before, have you? It’s one of a million things that your brain chooses to store in the background, one of those sensations that you never notice.

Keep a lookout for important things floating in the background. They are the essence of life, and the “little things” that really make a difference.

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