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November 02, 2004
Funny T-Shirts
This is more for my memory than yours... http://www.localcelebrity.net/
Posted by jevnin at 05:58 PM | Comments (0)
Election Excitement!
I'd be willing to lay down a hefty sum of money that says that at least 90% of all blogs that are published today somehow mention the presidential election that is taking place. It is a pretty exciting thing...this election. Both everything and nothing is on the line. No matter who wins, our everyday lives will go back to normal. I'm not here to debate that fact, because I'm sure some will...but I'll skirt right on past the details...
I arrived at my polling place at 7:40 this morning, and was out the door by 8:40. The room was filled with nerves, but it was fun for me. Of course, the party representatives all looked at me with glaring looks when I whipped out my California State driver's license...they all checked their books to make sure I wasn't breaking any federal laws. I just wanted to vote at a real machine instead of using the boring old absentee ballots. This was my first experience of voting at the machines...I really wanted to take a picture of myself doing it, but didn't work up the gumption to do so while I was in the booth.
The interface I used to vote was error-prone in many respects. I don't want to get too into the details, suffice it to say that it could use some work. Also, to our backs was a set of windows which looked out to the parking lot, which was a bit worrisome.
I'm glad I voted, and if you haven't done so, you should do it soon! The results will be in at some point tonight, probably long after I'm in bed. This whole East-Coast time thing is pretty weak when it comes to election results. Late night news in old Cali' is on really late here, and I probably won't be able to stay up for it...
In other news, a small sum of money is burning a hole in my pocket. I'll be good and not buy anything, but it's still fun to think about things that would be cool to buy on Ebay.
I have a lot of reading to do, and election results to research, so peace outside to you.
P.S. (I've never P.S.ed before in a blog entry, is that legal?) You can't buy alcohol in Indiana on election day until the polls close, isn't that strange?
Posted by jevnin at 05:25 PM | Comments (1)